22 Ocak 2012 Pazar

Video reflection: Critic Revolution Of Egypt

Critic Revolution Of Egypt
    Egypt, as an Arab country, has an important geography and authority on Middle East. While everyone is focusing on the war at Libya nowadays, the revolution is still playing out in Egypt. They are on the first phase to have a real democratic future. It is said thay the chance of success are greatly increased if the United States and the other major democratic nations stand by ready to help.
     On March 19, Egypt held its first free and fair election. In NY times the topic ‘’ Egypt’s Unfinished Revolution’’ mentions about taht issue unobjectively. The objectiveless of the topic is obvious. It says that Egypt will not be successfull in its revolution without United States’ help. Today everyone knows the dominance of United States on world. I accept United States’ overwhelmin superiority to other governments, but it never means that every country on the world is in need of United States.
    The story tells that a recently announced multimillion dollar  American economic aid package is a goog start.  The Obama administration also promised to sustain its longstanding aid to Egypt, which runs about 1,5 millipn dollar a year, mostly for the military. So the offer of United States may look appropriate to Egypt. Contrary to the offer’s conformity, I am opposed to accepting it. Because Egypt is the most important Arab country and touchstone of change in Arab world.

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